- Consulting
- Consulting
Advice and expertise on environmental impact of various projects
- Skills Specific contracts
- Ongoing Since 2021
- Location Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
- 3 privileged Luxembourgish partners and many different customers
- 2 approvals: natural environment and forestry
- More than 30 projects completed or in progress
Since the 18th of August 2021, Ecofirst is authorized in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg to carry out faunistic and floristic studies (punctual census, long-term monitoring) and environmental studies (environmental impact assessment, Natura 2000 screening, eco-balance, ...). Ecofirst operates particularly in the assessment of the possible natural environment impact of various civil engineering projects, quite often considered of public interest. Our ecologists bring their experience to avoid-reduce-compensate the impacts on nature if relevant.
Depending on your needs, we can take care of various dossiers: ecopoint assessments (ecobalances), summary analysis of impacts on Natura 2000 (FFH screening), anticipated mitigation measures, technical notes listing the various points of attention in terms of the natural environment for a project, targeted studies of birds, bats, protected species, protected natural environments, etc.
Our expertise at the service of this project :
- Coordination of files: P. Nyssen
- Legislative issues, analysis of specific situations: P. Nyssen
- Field inventories - habitats and ligneous species: P. Nyssen
- Ornithological surveys: M. Derume
- Chiropterological surveys: P. Nyssen
- Ecobilans: JF. Godeau (ANF platform)