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(FR) Le LIFE ELIA - Towards sustainable management of forest corridors associated with the high-voltage grid and first actions completed

Forest management must be able to evolve and integrate new parameters as the years go by: new forestry code, Natura 2000, PEFC, Biodiversity circular, etc. The owner or manager must be able to take into account new silvicultural orientations and the evolution of associated techniques, while remaining attentive to possible opportunities... and this is never easy. This is never easy, especially as there are often additional constraints or obligations, such as those linked to the passage of high-voltage power lines through the wooded property. The LIFE ELIA project aims to reconcile obligations and opportunities in the management of our public and private woodlands.

The first article deals with the opportunities presented to forest owners by this LIFE project.

The second, "Le LIFE ELIA - une prise d'élan", lists concrete actions carried out by the project team. These actions demonstrate the relevance of the proposals and have led to significant potential additions to the basic perimeter.

Bauffe et al 2012 Vers une réflexion sur la gestion durable des coul